Pocket Door

How To Remove A Pocket Door? Step-By-Step Guide

Pocket doors are internal doors that fit into a narrow slot or “pocket” within a wall. They are useful alternatives for small rooms that may not be able to fit traditional swinging doors. You may need to remove a pocket door for a flooring job, paint it, or replace it due to wear and tear, but how do you go about doing so?

Determine how the door is joined to the rollers, remove the trim, and then lift the door off of the tracks to remove a pocket door. This is a simple do-it-yourself project.

When removing a pocket door, however, there are several factors to consider. Because pocket doors were popular in the 1800s, particularly in Victorian homes, and then made a comeback in the 1950s, certain earlier door installations differ from modern ones. The objective of removing the door must be evaluated to ensure that any parts required to replace the door are not damaged, and please continue reading for a more detailed explanation.

What is a Pocket Door?

Pocket doors are an excellent solution to fit a door into a spot where it would not otherwise fit. Pocket doors slide along a track into a recess in the wall rather than flinging open one way or the other. This moves the door completely out of the way, giving the room a clean, open aspect that interior designers adore.

Pocket doors, on the other hand, must occasionally be removed. Perhaps you’re performing a large-scale renovation and need to replace the door, or perhaps you’re installing flooring and need to cut the door down to suit. Here’s how to get a pocket door off the track and out of the pocket.

Step By Step Guide On How To Remove Pocket Doors

Step 1: Remove the caulk from the door stop.

First, completely open the door to obtain access to the door stop, where you’ll find the caulk. Then, using a sharp item such as a utility knife or razor, gently scrape off the caulk along the doorstop. Make sure to scratch slowly on the caulk lines of the stop since any error will result in loss or spoiling.

After you’ve scratched off the caulk and gained access to the doorstop, remove the wood if you won’t be using it again. If you wish to recycle the wood, you will not need a pry bar to remove it.

Step 2: Take Out The Door Stop

After you’ve removed the caulk, remove the doorstop completely from its frame. Even though it’s not difficult to remove the stops, you’ll need a pry bar to do it. If you notice a doorstop fixed to the side with a nail, don’t be alarmed; it’s harmless.

All you need to do is remove it from the wood first to avoid dents. Of course, if the wood deteriorates, you will be given a new one. It’s better to close the sliding pocket door so you have enough space to take it out of the frames.

Step 3: Completely Remove the Pocket Door

When you raise the pocket door completely off of its tracks, you’ll see there’s a section you need to open. Then, move over to the open side of the door and lift it out. Begin pulling the screen towards you when both sides are open on the same side.

While tugging, steadily lift the door to force the rollers out of their grooves. If the door is too huge for one person, you’ll need assistance. This individual would assist in pushing and pulling the door as needed.

Step 4: Open the Pocket Door

Finally, after completing these preliminary procedures, you may remove the pocket door and set it away. Yes, you must move it away from your exit. This stage is frequently the most difficult for some people. The size of the door also impacts the amount of difficulty; you may even want assistance.

However, if the track becomes embedded in the wall, you should contact an expert for door removal. Doing it yourself may consume all of your time and energy without completing the task.

Tips for Remove A Pocket Door

  • If you are removing the door due to warping, you may avoid the same problem from occurring with your new door by painting it. To do so, you must first understand how to paint a pocket door without removing it from its tracks. After you’ve mastered the technique, you may paint the face and borders of the four sides to avoid warping.
  • Slide the rollers into the track after installing the hanging pocket door hardware on top of the door. Then, while the door is hanging on both hangers, adjust it until it is level. Also, when laying drywall over the pocket, install the door grip before removing the door. As a result, before installing the door, apply a few coats of the drywall mixture to the connections.
  • Install pocket door guides on both the inside and outside of the door. To eliminate pocket door wobbles, ensure the door is flush by nailing the head jambs and two-piece to each side of the door. Using a nail and pocket door studs, secure the door casing to the frame. The striking plate should then be installed.


Pocket doors are quite practical for tiny rooms. Removing a pocket door is not a tough operation if you follow these few simple steps. Hopefully, this step-by-step guide will assist you in completing this basic DIY home project.

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